DGVCL Exam date of Poll Climbing & Written test for Vidhyut Sahayak 2016
List of Ex. Apprentices for Pole climbing Test to be held on Dtd.25.09.2016 and Written Test to be held on dtd.02.10.2016 for the post of Vidyut Sahayak (Electrical Assistant) in D.G.V.C.L.
DGVCL Exam date of Poll Climbing & Written test for Vidhyut Sahayak 2016. As per Detail information, DGVCL provides Written Test Date of Vidyut Sahayak (Electrical Assistant) Examination 2016. see all updates about This information are Given below.
Call Letter of Written Test for the post of Vidhyut Sahayak (Jr.Asst) to be held on 18.09.2016.
Instruction and information regarding written test for the post of Junior Assistant (Vidyut Sahayak) on dated 18.09.2016 at Surat. Click click here to
Intimation to the candidates who appeared in the written test for the post of Vidhyut Sahayak(Junior Engineer)
Merit list of candidates who appeared in written examination held on dtd 12.06.2016 at Vadodara for the post of vidhyut sahayak (Jr.Engg) in DGVCL.
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